Credit redemption.
Accelerated graduation.
Project Graduation (PG) is a non-traditional academic program designed to meet the educational, behavioral, and social needs of students. PG offers credit recovery and accelerated graduation by allowing all Memphis Shelby County Schools, affiliate charter, private, and municipal school districts’ students grades nine (9) through twelve (12) an opportunity to earn core content and elective credits in the evenings from 4:00 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. and 5:45 P.M. to 7:15 P.M.
Why Project Graduation?
Credit Redemption
Students can earn credit in courses previously failed to boost GPA.
Accelerated Graduation
Students can complete new coursework that can help "overage for grade" students graduate on time.
Career/College Focus
Students can free up room in their schedules for classes that lend to a college or career focus.
How to Enroll in Project Graduation
PG is available to all MSCS students as well as those who attend charter and municipal. The process is below:1PRE-QUALIFICATION
All students must be pre-qualified by their home-school Professional School Counselor (PSC). PSC will complete a parent letter with the requested courses and make a copy of that letter. Send the copy to the parent for a signature.Once the letter is returned to the PSC the student can then be enrolled in PowerSchool. Parents will then be able to register during the registration dates.
Students who have been prequalified by their home school PSC will be eligibleto register online. Registration links will be available during the registration period. If PG reaches capacity students will be placed on a wait list.
All parents and students must complete a virtual or in-person orientation before students are allowed to attend classes.
Expectations + Policies + FAQs
From FAQs to attendance policies; we have you covered below!
Important PG Dates (1st Semester) 2024
August 26th - First day of class for Monday/Wednesday part I
August 27th - First day of class for Tuesday/Thursday part I
September 2nd - Labor Day (Students Out)
September 5th - Parent/Teacher Conferences (Students Out)
October 2nd & 3rd - Last Day of Part I classes
October 7th-11th - Fall Break
October 21st - First day of class for Monday/Wednesday part II
October 22nd– First day of class for Tuesday/Thursday part II
November 5th - Election Day (Students Out)
November 11th – Veterans Day (Students Out)
November 25th- 29th - Thanksgiving Break
December 9th-10th – Last day of part II classes
December 23rd - January 3rd - Winter Break
Important PG Dates (2nd Semester) 2025
Spring 2025 Part I Enrollment Deadline January 23rd
Part I/Q3
In-Person Orientation:
January 13th - 16th at all PG locations 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Saturday, January 18, 2025 - 10:00 a.m. (3237 Knight Rd, 38118) January 21st-23rd at all PG locations 4:30 & 6:15 p.m.
First Day of class: January 21st
Last Day of class: March 5th
Spring 2025 Part II Enrollment Deadline March 27th
Part II/Q4
In-Person Orientation:
March 17th- 20th at all PG locations 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Saturday, March 22, 2025, 10:00 a.m. (3237 Knight Rd, 38118) March 24th-27th at all PG locations 4:30 & 6:15 p.m.
First Day of class: March 24th
Last Day of class: May 6th
Student Intervention Dates
September 27th
December 6th
February 28th
May 2nd
When does PG operate?
Part I/Q1 classes: August 26, 2024 – October 3, 2024
Part II/Q2 classes: October 21, 2024- December 10, 2024
Part I/Q3 classes: January 21, 2025- March 5, 2025
Part II/Q4 classes: March 24, 2025- May 6, 2025
What You Can Expect From Us
- Provide students the opportunity to become academically successful.
- Provide consistent communication with parents and home school.
- Be accessible to students and parents when contacted.
What We Expect From Students & Families
- Students should have consistent attendance.
- Students should give 100% effort and abide by the MSCS Code of Conduct.
- Parents must be responsive to PG staff when contacted.
PG Attendance Policy
- 1st absence or one assignment behind - VERBAL WARNING- Students signs off that teacher conferred with him/her about absence - with Teacher
- 2nd absence or two assignments behind - PHONE CALL TO PARENT - by Teacher
- 3rd absence or three assignments behind - MANDATORY PARENT CONFERENCE- with Administrator
- Future occurrences - DISMISSAL FROM PROGRAM - by Administrator
Distance Learning Courses Offered
- Visual Art I, II and III
- Spanish I and II
- Lifetime Wellness
- Physical Education
- Personal Finance
- Economics
- US Government
Grade Reporting
Grades and attendance will be captured in PowerSchool and will be reported according to the MSCS progress report and report card calendar. Because students will be dually enrolled in PG, the home school principals, counselors, and parents will be able to see their students’ academic progress via PowerSchool.
Exceptional Children
· Project Graduation will ensure that all modifications for students enrolled during the day and in any Project Graduation Programs are identified.
· Students will be enrolled in an Academic Advisory period where they will receive additional assistance with the course.
Q. What grade levels does PG serve?
A. Project Graduation offers enrollment options for students in grades nine (9) through twelve (12).Q. Will PG be virtual or in-person? If in-person, where will classes be held?
A. Project Graduation will offer in-person classes and there will be limited spaces for distance learning. All in-person classes will be held at Craigmont HS, Hamilton HS, and Southwind HS.
Q. How many credits can students earn with PG?
A. Students can earn up to four credits per year while enrolled in PG.Q. What are the enrollment criteria for Project Graduation?
A. Students enrolling in PG must be a full-time student within Memphis Shelby County Schools or enrolled in an affiliate charter, private, or municipal school district.
Q. How do students enroll in PG? Is there an enrollment deadline for the 2024-2025 school year?
Students are enrolled in PG by the home school professional school counselor. The enrollment deadline for PG Part I of the 2024-2025 school year is August 16, 2024. For PG Part II, the deadline is October 18, 2024. The enrollment deadline for Spring PG Part I is January 17. 2025. The enrollment deadline for PG Part II is March 21, 2025.
Q. My student does not attend an MSCS school. Can he/she still participate in PG?
A. Yes. PG serves affiliate charter, private, and municipal school districts; however, enrollment will be based upon availability and remain open until all seats are filled. To become an affiliate school please contact the Project Graduation office at 901-416-9041 or via email at scsprojectgraduation@scsk12.orgQ. I’m a teacher. Can I work for PG?
A. Yes. Some of the best high school administrators and teachers work for PG part-time. If you or someone you know is certified in grades 9-12 or have extensive high school experience, apply through the MSCS Careers page via: PG CareersQ. What about testing? Will PG students be required to take EOC assessments?
A.Yes. PG students will complete EOC assessments, if applicable, that align with the PG course(s) successfully completed. All EOC tests will be administered by the home school during the State of Tennessee testing window.Q. Will there be additional supports for English Language Learners and Exceptional Education Learners?
A. Absolutely! PG provides necessary supports and resources to yield academic success for English Limited Learners and Exceptional Education Learners. However, modifications and accommodations specifically detailed in the IEP are legally fulfilled during the traditional school day by the home school.Q. Will transportation be provided to get students to PG campuses?
A. No. It is the parent’s responsibility to provide transportation for students that attend in-person. To ensure educational equity in programming PG’s distance learning option is available for parents and students in the case of transportation, logistical, or any other issues that may impede a student from attending in-person.
Q. How will grades be reported?
A. Grades and attendance will be captured in PowerSchool and be reported according to the MSCS progress report and report card calendar. Because students will be dually enrolled in PG, home school principals, counselors, and parents will be able to track their students’ academic progress via PowerSchool.- Contact Us
Jacques' H. Hall
Detria D. Carruth
Academic Advisor
Lashunda Bond
Records Clerk
© 2021 SCS Project Graduation. All rights reserved.